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2004-12-10 - 3:06 p.m.

Last week Hans and I went to see four bands battle for the chance to become the opening act for a few Golden Earring concerts. The competition was held at the sport hall in a really small town. It felt like we were at a family reunion or a wedding reception because most of the bands were playing nothing but bad covers of 80's/90's rock--Dire Straits, Melissa Etheridge, U2--with way too much enthusiasm.
I really can't believe that Golden Earring would have a cover band open for them. Maybe they should get a Golden Earring tribute band to open for them. And then Golden Earring can play nothing but covers for their set...
Tomorrow we have to go to another lame-ass party at Hans' sister Magriet's house. I am so not looking foward to making the same ole small talk with all the maroon haired ladies. Perhaps I should just print out a script of the usual conversations, pass it out and call off the obligation. That would be nice. But, gee, maybe I shouldn't be so negative about the whole affair. It could actually be a fun time??? Maybe with enough liquor.

Let's see, what else is new?
Hans totalled our car the other morning on his way to work. He swerved to avoid hitting a cat and skidded on the icy road into a wooden bench, narrowly missing a big rock. Luckly, he wasn't hurt at all, and the cat made it across the road safely. So, now we have a lovely black Ford Escort. I never thought I'd be a Ford owner in the Netherlands. Oh well, it's a good car.

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